Monday 11 April 2016

Episode 10: Elope To The Chalk

Prepare to enter a brave new world, a new world of double digit episodes for TUFOPS!

To celebrate this milestone, Kyle and David deigned to provide you the same rough hour of light entertainment as usual, in this, the most heavily-edited episode to date (and yet still almost certainly, not edited nearly enough)!

This week we ask:

What about that new trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story?

Why has David's thumb been getting a lot more use lately?

What does Kyle make of weddings?

And how much would you at home pay for an official TUFOPS-branded Kyle or David doll? The future of the universe and/or reality as we know it?

It may be 'just another week' but one thing's for certain - this will not be 'just another instalment' of The Unacceptable Face of Podcasts!


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