Monday 11 January 2016

Episode 1: An Abortion of a Dream (pre-release)

Over here at TUFOPs HQ, we've submitted the podcast you're all eagerly awaiting for to iTunes, and is currently under review.

While we wait for this grant of legitimacy to be awarded, we thought that we should do the decent thing and make it available to you loyal listeners who feel that you shouldn't have to adhere to the totalitarian schedule of our fruit-based overlords (or you don't have iPhones and wouldn't listen through those channels anyway).

So here it is, the (reboot) premiere of The Unacceptable Face of Podcasts.

We ask only that if the audio sounds a bit off, your humble hosts seem uncharismatic, or if the conversation borders on the clinically monotonous, just remember that we haven't a fucking clue what we're doing.

Happy listening.


P.S. Feel free to share this with whoever you like or donate money and gifts to the show. xx

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