Sunday 11 November 2018

Episode 17: Islets of Manlets

What’s this?

Surely not?

It couldn’t be?

It could be!

It is!

For the second time in under one month, Kyle and David return with another episode for your gentle ears, providing the first ever (un)official TUFOPS CozyCast!

Recorded deep in the greater Easter Road area of Scotland’s capital, the boys take a look at Netflix’s ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’ to discern whether they/you/anyone should consider venturing beyond the premiere into the uncharted waters of episode two; a question sandwiched lovingly between the two much-more-accessible issues of our country’s prison system and, in this week’s Bold Topic, Religion. (We’re sorry.)

It’s ill-judged, it’s only-for-manlets, it’s too good to be true! It’s The Unacceptable Face of Podcasts!


Special thanks extended to Premiere Friends Of The Show Glenn Burton for composing and performing the TUFOPS introductory fanfare, and Brian 'The Savage' Wilson for the conception and contribution of our stellar cover art. May your stars burn brightly, and your spirits never die.

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